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VEVOR Massagepistole Tiefengewebe-Percussion-Muskelmassagegerät

Kundenbewertungen für VEVOR Massagepistole Tiefengewebe-Percussion-Muskelmassagegerät

T-Typ 12 V 3200U/min


3 Bewertungen
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Wesley Roberts Wesley Roberts
Feels great but not as powerful as the Therabody massage gun
Bewertet amOct 14, 2024
This feels so good on tight muscles, especially post-workout.I have access to Therabody massage guns at my gym and have found that this less expensive version is noticeably less powerful. It doesn’t seem to penetrate as deeply into the muscles or provide the same level of relief.Personally, I believe it’s worth investing in the Therabody massage gun if you are prone to serious muscle tightness, injury or muscle-related pain. For my wife, the Therabody version has saved us so much money on physical therapy and massage therapy. Nothing else gives her such immediate relief.This VEVOR version definitely feels good and provides some relief, however I wouldn’t say it’s as therapeutic as the Therabody version. It’s great for calf muscle recovery after a long run, however I’m not sure it’s powerful enough to provide a true clinical benefit for those with a genuine muscular issue.
Kathy Kathy
Powerful But Not As Versatile As Some
Bewertet amOct 04, 2024
I like many things about the VEVOR Massage Gun. First of all, it is very powerful, mores than many other massage guns on the market. It also has many different heads that can be attached and nine different levels/functions. I have a more expensive name brand unit that has fewer heads and levels. In addition, the battery charges quickly enough and lasts a long time between charges. Finally, the unit is comfortable to hold in your hand. With all that, this could be the perfect massage gun.However, there is one major flaw with this unit. The design with just one straight handle makes it hard to use on your back or hard to reach areas; I have to have someone else hold it for my back The VEVOR Massage Gun could be the perfect massage gun if the design were changed to make it easier to use on your back. I give the unit four stars because it works so well in every other respect, and some users may not want it for their backs. However, if your back is what you need this for, you might want to consider another unit unless you have a consistent helper.
Naomi Ashley Naomi Ashley
Does its job!
Bewertet amOct 02, 2024
This works so well. I saw one of these at a conference and they wanted a lot more money for it. The various speeds make it feels custom made for whatever you need massaged in that moment. This is totally giftable!

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